Suddenly Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Svea @ The Muse in the Fog Book Review. The purpose of Suddenly Sunday is to share all the exciting events that have occurred on your blog throughout the week. If you would like to participate, just grab the button and link back here.
Good morning! It's going to be a quick wrap-up post this week since I am about to head back home after visiting with out of town family. Also, there isn't a lot of posting activity to talk about since my main focus this week has been to create a new look for the blog. About halfway through the creation process I was kicking myself for undergoing such a task, but now that it's done I'm quite happy I sacrificed my temporary mental health for it, lol.
I have now added RSS and Google+ to the many ways you can follow The Muse in the Fog Book Review. You can find the new follow icons on the right hand sidebar under "Follow Us" section.
Currently Reading:
I have a new international giveaway and a few reviews coming up this week, so keep an eye out for those posts!
Have a great week and happy reading!

Copyright © 2013 Svea Love. All Rights Reserved.
well done on the new look, I like it!
Looks good and well worth the mental headache Svea! Have a wonderful week :)
Updating the blog can be tedious, can't it? But I'm with you, in the end it's always worth it! I just did some of that myself a couple of weeks ago :-) Hope you have a great week!
I always have the utmost respect for people who redo their blogs regularly. Too much of a headache. These days I get someone else to do it. Even then I find it stressful and I am only the one watching! It looks great though!
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