Thursday, December 20, 2012

Silent Night Read-a-thon, Day Six!

Hi everyone! First, let me apologize for any typos or odd looking structure within this post; I'm posting this from my phone, so I'm not too sure how it will turn out. Since I am creating this post from my phone (I've been without the internet for two days), this is just going to be a quick read-a-thon update. I finished Ruins of Lace by Iris Anthony this morning, and am now making my way through The Oracle Glass by Judith Merkle Riley. In addition to finishing The Oracle Glass, I am hoping start The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley tomorrow as well. Although I wanted to have a couple more books than this cleared off my TBR pile by now, I am quite happy with what I've accomplished so far considering all the surprise activities this week.. and there are still two more days to go! 

How are you doing with the read-a-thon?


Copyright © 2012 Svea Love. All Rights Reserved.


Diana said...

WTG! Hope you enjoy The Shadowy Horses - it was one of my favorites this year.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Finally posted my first update. Just haven't had much time for reading.

mandala said...

Given the holiday preparations (and distractions) it has been hard to keep up with my reading. Thanks for this update - reminds me to find time this week to read for leisure :)