Saturday, December 15, 2012

Silent Night Read-a-thon, Day One

Well, it's almost the end of day one and I have made it about halfway through The Second Empress by Michelle Moran. I had hoped to get a bit more reading done today, but I was prepared for a slow start since my daughter and I went to The Nutcracker today! As long as I don't get attacked again by this nasty cold I've been fighting off, I have no doubt that I will finish The Second Empress tomorrow (it's hard not to quickly devour a book by Michelle Moran) and get through a good chunk of the next book on my list. Tomorrow I will be stopping by the blogs of those who are participating to see how you are doing!

Still want to sign up and enter the giveaway? There's still time! Also, if you don't have a blog but would like to participate, you can now post about the read-a-thon on Facebook and enter that URL in the giveaway.
Giveaway Post and Read-a-thon Instructions

Copyright © 2012 Svea Love. All Rights Reserved.


Vonnie said...

At least you got some reading done!

Mystica said...

You've got quite a bit of reading done.