Publish Date: November 2012
Format: Paperback 400pp
Synopsis (From the Publisher):
"Charles II is running for his life-and into the arms of a woman who will risk all for king and country.
Jane Lane is of marrying age, but she longs for adventure. She has pushed every potential suitor away-even those who could provide everything for her. Then one day, adventure makes its way to her doorstep, and with it comes mortal danger...
Royalists fighting to restore the crown to King Charles II implore Jane to help. Jane must transport him to safety, disguised as a manservant. As she places herself in harm's way, she finds herself falling in love with the gallant young Charles. And despite his reputation as a breaker of hearts, Jane finds herself surrendering to a passion that will change her life forever."
My Review:
After reading the first few chapters of The September Queen I knew I was in for an adventure that would keep me up into the wee hours of the morning. In the opening scene we meet Jane Lane, a loving girl who is enamored by her books and the thought of adventure, not the prospect of a loveless marriage. So it is not surprising that when the opportunity rises to aid King Charles II in his desperate attempt to evade Cromwell's men and escape to the safety of France, she willingly gives herself to his cause.
Despite the risks involved, Jane is elated at the prospect of the trilling adventure that lies before her, but little does she know the emotional turbulence that will rise in its wake. It is not long before Charles' charismatic charm and Jane's passionate and fearless spirit collide, creating a love between them that equals no other. But as time passes and the fight for Charles' throne continues, Jane discovers that the heartbroken women who preceded her place in Charles' heart are not an exaggeration, and she soon fears she might very well be next. Can the love they shared throughout their perilous journey endure for a lifetime, or will it be forgotten once Charles is restored to power and reunited with his courtiers?
Filled with dangerous encounters, a passionate love affair, and vivid scenery, The September Queen is a novel that will thrill and enchant you. The connection between Charles and Jane was so strong that I could have been reading a pop-up book, watching them come to life on each page. Their romance was quite steamy, but I would not let that deter you in any way because the loving emotion exudes from the pages, making it some of the most beautiful and touching moments I have ever read. I found myself completely immersed in their story, and, in the final chapters, I wish I could have seen my face as I intently read each page since I'm sure it would have reflected the intense emotion I was feeling as their story came to a close. Without a doubt The September Queen is a novel that will appeal to all readers of historical fiction, and is one I'll recommend for years to come.
Don't miss the delightful by:
Gillian Bagwell, author of The September Queen

Copyright © 2011 Svea Love. All Rights Reserved.
I'm glad you really liked this one!
Great review! It sounds like a novel that I would love.
I think I finally get it now, is that a whip she is holding? I always thought it looked like a wand, lol
Carrie- Me too! I can't wait for her next novel.
Laura- Thank you! Even though you think you'll love it, I am sure you will be surprised by how much you do after reading it... I know I was.
Bloudeuedd- Yes, that is a riding crop. There was quite a bit of time spent on horseback :)
Sounds like a heck of a read! Great review.
All I know about Jane is that she helped Charles to escape, so this woukld be interesting. I wasn't huge fan of her previous book but I think it was ok´.
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