Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blog Update! Same blog, slightly different title...

Hello my lovely blog followers! In case you haven't noticed the header yet, I have shortened this blog's title. Now this was not a decision made at random, but one I have been contemplating for quite a while. When I first began this blog back in 2009 it was going to have a bit of everything, hence the "rambling" aspect of the title, but I quickly realized that my passion for reading and writing would be the driving force behind this blog, and it has been dedicated to my love of historical fiction ever since. So, in order to have the title reflect the content of this blog, I now give you:

The Muse in the Fog Book Review

If you would like to place my updated blog button on your own blog, please use the following code: 
Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog

And now for the new Facebook page to go along with the new name Unfortunately, FB will not let me change my current page's name so this is the only alternative... I am really hoping everyone will make the transition over to the new FB page for this blog :)

A tremendous thank you to everyone who follows this blog, it is your participation that make it such a pleasure to host!

Copyright © 2011 Svea Love. All Rights Reserved.


Blodeuedd said...

Sounds nice :D

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I think the shortened title sounds lovely. Of course, you know I already liked on Facebook!