Sunday, May 30, 2010

Suddenly Sunday

Since The Sunday Salon is closed to new members, I have created my own weekly event of Suddenly Sunday! Feel free to join in the fun, just link back to this blog :)
Hi everyone! I hope you all have been having a fabulous weekend and are enjoying any memorial day celebrations you might be apart of :) After a few random days of thunder storms, it seems summer is finally here. I am definitely looking forward to a summer of reading and writing outside! Here are a few things going on here at Confessions and Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog:
The winner for The Queen's Pawn by Christy English is: 
Congratulations! I will be sending you an e-mail shortly to obtain your information, please respond as soon as possible :) Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway! Be sure to check back later this week for another great giveaway!!!
This week in my mailbox, for review:

I just finished my first Jean Pilady novel (what took me so ling to read her work?!)  The review will be coming up this week :) I also have a couple more reviews with some great guest posts too!

Have a great week & happy reading!


Blodeuedd said...

Ohh that book looks pretty :)

Luvdaylilies said...

Thanks so much!!!!

Jenny Girl said...

Plaidy can be addictive so be careful. I just discovered her last year myself. WElcome to the club.
Love the cover of the book above and am curious as to what it's about.
I look forward to all of your reviews. Have a great week :)
Congrats Luvdaylilies!

Marg said...

Hi Svea! Just want to check in and say hello because you haven't posted for a while. Hope everything is alright.