Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Royal Mistress Challenge 2010

Oh, what scandals await with this challenge! It will be nice to read about some other women who won the hearts of kings instead of Anne Boleyn (since she is not allowed for this challenge).
The Rules of the Challenge
  1. Runs from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2010.  But this is an ongoing challenge and I will be renewing it next year.
  2. Join anytime during the year – This challenge is hosted by The Misadventures of Moppet
  3. Books can be re-reads, or can overlap with other challenges.
  4. If you’d like the hostess to include a link to your reviews, leave her a comment or email her at:
  5. Choose your own level.  You can change level anytime or change your mind about the books you will read at any time.  I noticed other people have fun names for their challenge levels, so here are mine:
Orange Girl – Read one book
Maid of Honour – Read up to three books
Courtesan – Read up to five books
Maitresse en titre – Read up to seven books
Secret Wife – Read more than seven books!
Which books qualify for the challenge?
  • Royal mistress who really existed 
  • Unknown mistresses whom the author has characterized, such as Richard III’s: they can be included too – as long as they had children which really existed.
  • Mistresses to junior royals as well as kings’ mistresses.  
  • The book has to have the mistress as the central character – not just feature her in a major way.
  • If the character really existed, but there is no evidence for a relationship, they will not be included.
  • This will not to include Anne Boleyn as she was only a mistress for a relatively short period.
  • Although it's called it the Royal Mistress Challenge, books about male favorites such as Piers Gaveston are also allowed.  So it’s really the Royal Favorite Challenge.


My Goal: Level Maid of Honour

My Progress so Far: (click on title to read my review)


Cat said...

I've been trying to resist more challenges but I think I'll have to add this one as well.
Lots of fun!

Miss Moppet said...

Welcome to the challenge Muse! Hope you have fun choosing your books.

I should add that I've decided non-fiction is fine as well - either general books such as Eleanor Herman's Sex with Kings, or joint biographies like Antonia Fraser's Love and Louis XIV, or biographies of individual mistresses and favourites. Enjoy!

Ash said...

This sounds like a fun challenge! Too bad I'm already signed up for a ton.

Dana said...

Looks like an interesting challenge. Good luck!